Empower your community and Register your BTW Chapter
It’s easy to start a chapter!
Chapters of BTW will function as smaller clubs of BTW at your own school or organizations in your own community. Chapters are local branches of our organization that are active in various areas aimed at increasing the BTW impact. They hold the same mission as the mother organization, working together in coordination except YOU are the leader of your chapter.
Step 1: Gather a Dedicated Team
Building a strong and committed team is essential for the success of your chapter. Reach out to like-minded individuals who share your passion for our cause. Collaborate with friends, family, colleagues, or community members who are willing to contribute their time and skills. Assign executive roles, ensure that every member and executive follows our official Instagram @beyondthewaters and Tiktok @btwnonprofit.
Step 3: Organize Events
Once accepted, start a club at your school or community named after Beyond the Waters and make an Instagram page with BTW + your school/community, and host meetings, fundraising events, and awareness campaigns to engage your community. Utilize various platforms, such as social media, local events, and collaborations with other organizations, to amplify your message. Implement educational programs and workshops to raise awareness about overlooked crises and promote finding solutions within your community.
Step 2: Register Your Chapter
You are ready to officially register your chapter with Beyond the Waters with the register button. This step allows us to recognize your efforts and provide you with the necessary support and guidance. Next, you can develop a plan for your chapter, outlining your local goals, activities, and timeline.
Step 4: Promote Initiatives
Promote your chapter and the official BeyondtheWaters organization to spread our impact. Get volunteer members, form committees, etc. You'll be able to hold your club meetings at your school and provide experiences for your members as you choose. Our Exec Board will assist you if needed, and our board will monitor your work. You cannot rely on BTW to run your club for you as it is self-led, providing opportunities for creative freedom and leadership building. It will be your job to run your club, organize meetings, organize lessons, and arrange events for your club members.
Step 5: Networking and Collaboration
Connect with other Beyond the Waters chapters and like-minded organizations to share experiences, exchange ideas, and create a more significant impact together. Start an Instagram page. Hold fundraisers and donate ALL proceeds to our official GoFundMe by the end of each month. Raise awareness on ongoing crises through media content, club meetings, etc. It is your responsibility to run your chapter with efficiency and commitment.
Step 6: Celebrate Your Success!
Share your accomplishments with the global Beyond the Waters community and celebrate the positive change you're making in the lives of children and families in your area. Post updates on your chapter Instagram and tag @beyondthewaters. All chapters are featured on our website!